Thursday, November 20, 2008

Real Estate, What Else?

Well I figured it was time to write my first blog. As we know I love to talk and I have been at Sotheby's for over 7 years so there must be information to share. This is a great day for me as well, Kevin and I  are celebrating our 9 year wedding anniversary today! 

I am constantly searching for best Buys, often involved in challenging escrows, and continue to enjoy my relationships with local experts in their fields (land-use planners, insurance agents, architects, contractors, lenders). I do hope to pass on real estate related information that may be of interest.

These past months with the fires, economic whoas, and so on, I have been asked, "What Now?" Well as for that all I can say is that we seem to be in unchartered territory. But one item that I am sure we need to address is insurance. We all need to know our insurance plan. Unless you are versed in "gibberish" you may just want to call your agent. I love my insurance agent and would be happy to forward you his info. Many of the fire evacuees of the Tea Fire were underinsured and wish they had increased their coverage over the past years. If you are renting or own, please note that I was given 3 incredible tips this week. 

1. Check with your agent that you have adequate coverage for your personal property and that you also add additional upgrades if possible, examples: double paned windows, land grading and retrofitting for today's building requirements, just to name a few.
2. If you have to evacuate and you own a pool, throw everything into it. Yes, that's right, even photos. This is of course if you only have a few minutes. Even a fireproof safe can incinerate with the high heat, but your grandmother's china and family passports will be at the bottom of the pool when you return.
3.  Video tape your house. The trick to this one is in the detail. Take an hour and go through your entire house with your video camera and record every room and every drawer and give an estimated price for everything down to the towels. That way if any disaster occurs you have record of it. Don't forget to take that tape to a bank safety deposit box or another location.
There are many articles on mortgages, stats on sales and great buys that I will be passing on to you in following posts.

If you haven't had a chance to view my website please take time to visit: 

I look forward to sharing.



Melissa Birch
Sotheby's International Realty


Ann K. Levine, Esq. said...

Congrats on your blog, and on your anniversary!

Kimberly Ramsey said...

Looks great Melis. Thanks for keeping us all updated on the current particulars of the real estate world and home owner tips. I look forward to your next blog!